My views on Syria: oh, please, NO! We shouldn't go!
I've been listening to the news and now understand that the Obama
administration wishes to commit us and allies to the support of the
Syrian rebels. I am going public to declare myself a dissenter and
critic of this policy.
First of all, I am not a man of the Left who instinctively sees in the exercise of US power a force for evil. I view myself
as a God, country, property rights, gun ownership (by the law abiding),
anti-sexual revolution, limited government conservative. I also
believe that historically, America has been in the right. I believe
that our confrontation with the Communist states throughout the Cold War
was right--and a position forced on us by the machinations of Stalin
and his minions (including China's Mao Zedong and Viet Nam's Ho Chi
Minh, both of whom I view as fundamentally vicious).
But where
is the pressing national interest in Syria? Are we defending allies'
oil supplies? No. Are we stopping an aggressive ideology that has
pledged itself to our destruction? No. Will the Middle Eastern balance
of power be radically altered? Possibly, but in ways that are problems
for Turkey, Israel, and Iran rather than us. Will this bring us closer
to a comprehensive Middle Eastern peace settlement? Absolutely not, and
may even make such a quest the modern equivalent of the search for the
Holy Grail.
I agree that the Assad regime is
odious. The Ba'ath Party was founded in imitation of the Fascist and
National Socialist parties of interwar Europe. The Ba'athis have
presided over the liquidation of millennia-old Jewish communities in the
lands between upper Mesopotamia and the Mediterranean. They are cruel
and relentless towards dissent. They were also faithful partners of the
Communist Bloc throughout the Cold War. I would not want a wooden
nickel of my taxes to go to helping the Ba'athis in any way.
But what of the rebels?
It has been clear to anyone who cares to look and think that the Syrian
rebellion is not the benign "democratic" movement our administration
(and its media shills) has been telling us it is. Its leadership is
made up of Qaida sympathizers and members of the Muslim Brotherhood. As
for the latter, I refer all to the writings of its chief ideologue,
Seiyyid Qotb, to see how the MB hates us not simply for anything we've
done, but for who we are and what we value--not least of which are
political liberty, the right of dissent, and equal treatment under law
for women and minorities. Qaida and the Muslim Brotherhood, in case
anyone has forgotten, are the wonderful fighters for equality and
justice who brought us the attacks on the World Trade Center and
Pentagon in 2001. It is a complete and utter disgrace that Ambassador
Chris Stevens and three others were killed probably during an attempt to
carry out secret talks with Turkish representatives about arming the
Libyan rebels. Now that we seem to want to put together a whole
coalition to hand Syria over to the Qaida and MB fighters, it has gone
beyond disgraceful.
Further, the Syrian rebels are busy
attacking, killing, driving out, and raping Christians in the areas they
control. Like the Ba'athi liquidation of Syria's Jewish communities,
this is also the liquidation of communities that go back to the very
beginning of Christianity. Paul the Apostle was himself baptized by the
church in Damascus, and sheltered by first-generation Christians there
by the names of Judas and Hananiah (Ananias--see Acts 9:10-19). I would
urge all to peruse the web pages of the Barnabas Fund to keep up to
date on the plight of these communities now.
The treatment
meted out to non-Sunnite Muslims by the Syrian rebels is also
disturbing. 'Alawites and Shi'ites are also targets.
our allies in Sa'udi Arabia and Turkey are backing the rebels. But
whatever for? Sa'udi Arabia has a long-running feud with the Ba'athis,
and now that the Cold War is over, this is no longer a community of
interest between the House of Sa'ud and the USA. Turkey's regime has
become Islamicist of the Sunnite variety, and it may be wiser for US
policy to take close looks at how Turkey is now treating its own
minorities, apostates from Islam, and other such vulnerable categories.
We would do well to consult with such other allies as Greece and
Bulgaria over how they may feel about a resurgent Islamicism in their
former colonial master.
The Obama administration is committing
us to the support of an implacable enemy force. It has never addressed
the odious ideology animating the Syrian rebels, nor their links to
other movements that continue to demonize and vilify the US. But it is
all the more disconcerting to see the Republican Party failing in its
role as opposition, and the major media's shocking complicity when it
should be a watchdog against an unnecessary waste of American treasure
and lives.
I would love to know if anyone else out there feels as I do.
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Saturday, August 24, 2013
My Views on "New" Gospels and their Purveyors
Recently, on Huffington Post, I read an interview with Elaine Pagels discussing her new book on Revelation. After I read that she thinks John was a Jew who believed in Jesus and didn't like the Roman state, I nodded in agreement, and said a hearty "Ho-humm" to myself.
Franky, Elaine Pagels is one of the most over-rated scholars writing about New Testament-related themes. I've been profoundly unimpressed with her work ever since people near and dear to me gave me her _Gnostic Gospels_ (1979) to "set me straight" about my confessional Protestant orthodoxy.
In _Gnostic Gospels_, Pagels resoundingly flunks Ecclesiastical History 101. She posits that the Nag Hammadi texts were hidden by Coptic monks facing persecution from Athanasius, the 4th century orthodox bishop of Alexandria. However, Gnosticism was a phenomenon of the 2d and early 3d centuries, not the 4th. Athanasius and his colleagues at Nicaea in 325 whose opinions he defended were fighting Arians and Semi-Arians, not Gnostics. Moreover, Athanasius was more often than not on the receiving end of persecution, being exiled three times to the Rhine frontier by Constantine's Semi-Arian successors. As for the Coptic monks, their dean, the redoubtable hermit Anthony, came out of the desert to show support for the beleaguered Athanasius.
Further, Pagels seems to think that the Coptic "Gospel of Thomas" (probably written a couple of generations after Judas Didymus Thomas was martyred) is more pro-woman than the canonical Scriptures. The work ends with these words:
Pagels apparently likes the Jewishness of John of Patmos. Yet this is quite an inconsistency with her long championship of 2d century Gnosticism, which demonized the Old Testament and relegated its God to something far inferior to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Had Pagels' beloved Gnostics "won", Christianity would never have developed a bad conscience over anti-Semitism.
Pagels is the purveyor of a myth that mitred, monarchical 4th century bishops determined the New Testament canon on the basis of whether or not a text would support their claims to power. Yet somehow, she never explains why these same purveyors of monepiscopacy allowed Luke-Acts and Philippians into the canon, when the former uses presbyter and bishop interchangeably in Acts 20, and the latter begins with a salutation to plural bishops in the single city of Philippi. She isn't alone in purveying this myth (Bart Ehrman also comes to mind). Perhaps her unsubstantiated reconstructions of Christian history are necessary to get around Irenaeus in Lyons, Clement in Alexandria, Origen in 'Eretz Yisroel, and Tertullian in North Africa all seeing four and only four Gospels during the 2d century. Or, perhaps, Pagels is someone without the slightest feel for the flow of history. Or, perhaps, as a latter-day Gnostic, she is more comfortable with myth; and thus joins a crowd of people who, claiming to find the true "historical" grounding of Christianity, are themselves lousy historians.
Pagels, the Jesus Seminar, and their ilk are lionized and feted by the media because liberal religion is finally waking up to the fact that it gets no aid or comfort from the canonical Scriptures. It must therefore clutch at straws like the mystical but misogynistic Pseudo-Thomas. No wonder the academic study of the Bible and religion are in such a sorry state.
Franky, Elaine Pagels is one of the most over-rated scholars writing about New Testament-related themes. I've been profoundly unimpressed with her work ever since people near and dear to me gave me her _Gnostic Gospels_ (1979) to "set me straight" about my confessional Protestant orthodoxy.
In _Gnostic Gospels_, Pagels resoundingly flunks Ecclesiastical History 101. She posits that the Nag Hammadi texts were hidden by Coptic monks facing persecution from Athanasius, the 4th century orthodox bishop of Alexandria. However, Gnosticism was a phenomenon of the 2d and early 3d centuries, not the 4th. Athanasius and his colleagues at Nicaea in 325 whose opinions he defended were fighting Arians and Semi-Arians, not Gnostics. Moreover, Athanasius was more often than not on the receiving end of persecution, being exiled three times to the Rhine frontier by Constantine's Semi-Arian successors. As for the Coptic monks, their dean, the redoubtable hermit Anthony, came out of the desert to show support for the beleaguered Athanasius.
Further, Pagels seems to think that the Coptic "Gospel of Thomas" (probably written a couple of generations after Judas Didymus Thomas was martyred) is more pro-woman than the canonical Scriptures. The work ends with these words:
Simon Peter said to them: Let Mary go away from us, for women are not worthy of life. Jesus said: Lo, I shall make her a male, that she too may become a living spirit, resembling you males. For every woman who makes herself a male will enter the kingdom of heaven. (Logion 114).It seems that the pseudo-Peter and the pseudo-Jesus of the pseudo-Thomas are in agreement that women as women aren't subjects of salvation. Yet for all its supposed "misogyny", the canonical, 66-book Bible never seems to suggest that Sarah, Rebecca, the Hebrew midwives, Zipporah, Miriam, Mary, Joanna, the wife of Chuza, Priscilla, and all those other wonderful sisters will not be walking around the new heavens and new earth after the resurrection of the saved with two X chromosones, or will somehow sprout external genitalia.
Pagels apparently likes the Jewishness of John of Patmos. Yet this is quite an inconsistency with her long championship of 2d century Gnosticism, which demonized the Old Testament and relegated its God to something far inferior to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Had Pagels' beloved Gnostics "won", Christianity would never have developed a bad conscience over anti-Semitism.
Pagels is the purveyor of a myth that mitred, monarchical 4th century bishops determined the New Testament canon on the basis of whether or not a text would support their claims to power. Yet somehow, she never explains why these same purveyors of monepiscopacy allowed Luke-Acts and Philippians into the canon, when the former uses presbyter and bishop interchangeably in Acts 20, and the latter begins with a salutation to plural bishops in the single city of Philippi. She isn't alone in purveying this myth (Bart Ehrman also comes to mind). Perhaps her unsubstantiated reconstructions of Christian history are necessary to get around Irenaeus in Lyons, Clement in Alexandria, Origen in 'Eretz Yisroel, and Tertullian in North Africa all seeing four and only four Gospels during the 2d century. Or, perhaps, Pagels is someone without the slightest feel for the flow of history. Or, perhaps, as a latter-day Gnostic, she is more comfortable with myth; and thus joins a crowd of people who, claiming to find the true "historical" grounding of Christianity, are themselves lousy historians.
Pagels, the Jesus Seminar, and their ilk are lionized and feted by the media because liberal religion is finally waking up to the fact that it gets no aid or comfort from the canonical Scriptures. It must therefore clutch at straws like the mystical but misogynistic Pseudo-Thomas. No wonder the academic study of the Bible and religion are in such a sorry state.
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